Our Halo Program is specifically designed for dogs that need to slow down and take a little more time learning how to be in new environments or socializing with dogs. If you acquired a puppy, an adoption dog or have a dog that just hasn’t been around others this program is for you.
Our trained team will create an environment for you and your dog to ease into feeling comfortable in new places, leaving their owner and meeting new friends. You and your pup will start off together, but eventually he will have the confidence to play without you in the room.
In many cases this program leads to dogs that learn how to enjoy, and frankly love, daycare but that alone doesn’t define success. Daycare isn’t for all dogs. Success can also be defined by your dog feeling comfortable going into new places and meeting new people and new dogs. Life gets better when you can take your dog with you!
Call (517) 657-4300 today to talk to our team about a customized Halo session for your dog.